Terminal 101 (for Windows w/ Ubuntu WSL)

Material for Platform Based Development

Terminal 101 (for Windows w/ Ubuntu WSL)

File types

There are two (for now) type of files:

File Hierarchy

It's important to learn how are the directories (folders) structured in your computer.

The initial folder that includes all other directories in your computer is called root, and it's represented by a slash (/).

If you want to reference a folder while using a command, you need to specify the full path you will need to travel to get there from the root.

For example, if you want to reference the 'home' directory, according the picture shown you will need to use:


Which means: Go to '/', then to 'export/' and then to 'home/'.

Basics commands

WARNING: rm PERMANENTLY DELETES! You CANNOT recover anything when you use rm. I recommend to mkdir OLD to make a trash directory OLD and mv older/unneeded files/directories there. You can always delete them later.